Former Nigeria international and Director General of the National Sports Commission has advised the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to take a deeper look at the recurring bonus issues it has been having over the years at almost every international competitions.

The former director general remarked that it is sad that the football governing body has persistently been having challenges meeting its financial obligations at all the program it willingly committed to.

“My position, while in office and now remains: “NFF needs to review its programs to tally with the funds available”.

“For various reasons, football is the most expensive sport to manage in our country. Funds available to the NFF are those projected from government and sponsors.

“Obviously these are hardly sufficient. It is embarrassing that our female teams have continually had face-offs with NFF over earnings for which they were and are due.

“It should not be and one wonders if this loud cry from our players is not troubling to the NFF.

“It is certainly a “no confidence vote” on the NFF for the organ of the global women football administration to insist it will deal financially directly with the players rather than through the NFF.

“This is a poor perception score on integrity. FIFA’s global integrity perception score is very high. That is why sponsors desire that their products be associated with its programs.

The post Ekeji advises NFF on recurring bonus issues payment of bonuses first appeared on Sports Village Square.

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