Eighteen African clubs were beneficiaries from the  FIFA Club Benefits Programme (CBP), all grossing $4,569,981. 49. But two Moroccan clubs – Wydad Casablanca and Raja Casablanca are to get the lion’s share of  $1,437,244. 58.

It is yet another acknowledgement of Moroccan dominance of football in Africa. The Kingdom of Morocco got the highest cash prize of $25 million by any African team after getting to the semi-finals of the World Cup last December.

Their inclusion of home-based players is now also yielding great dividends. Wydad Casablanca are to earn $1,405,305, the highest by any of the 18 beneficiary African clubs.

They are followed by Esperance of Tunisia who are to get $525,620. Al Ahly of  Egypt are third with their $420,679. In the fourth and fifth positions are Tunisian duo of Club Africain and Etoile Sportive du Sahel with $312,087 and $262,810 respectively.

Another Moroccan side, Raja Casablanca are to earn $31, 938.77 from the  FIFA Club Benefits Programme (CBP).


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