When the Africa Cup of Nations kicks off next weekend, two Cameroonian ladies who entered Cote d’Ivoire will be following the football fiesta from their prison cells.


According to information from Cote d’Ivoire newspaper, Framat Info, the two young girls, aged 28 and 35 had been sentenced to one month imprisonment for hotel fraud.

They occupied a furnished residence without paying. The two ladies, Sophie and N. Salima, reportedly told the court that they left Douala in October 2023, for Abidjan with the aim of attending the Africa Cup of Nations which will officially begin on January 13, 2024.

During their stay, they lived in a furnished residence. Having no more money, they had to leave the first residence for another that costs less, where they were to pay 13,000 FCFA per day.

Unfortunately, from November 21 to 24, 2023, they only paid for one day. Worse, they attacked the manager who asked them to leave the premises. “They insulted me. They tore my shirt and demanded that I delete their passport photos from my phone. Which I categorically refused, since I have to inform my employer.

“And the passports will serve as proof just in case, we have to refer to the Embassy of Cameroon in Ivory Coast,” said KG, manager of the furnished residence in Cocody.

Taken with compassion, he finally withdrew his complaint and no longer wants to sue them even if they have not paid his money.

To the judge’s question as to why they did not wait until the day before  the Africa Cup of Nations before flying to Abidjan, especially since they do not have work in Ivory Coast. The Cameroonian women said they relied on their sisters living in Europe to help them pay for the hotel.

The judge reportedly sentenced them to imprisonment at Pole penitentiaire d’Abidjan (Ppa), and that they will  follow Africa Cup of Nations on television.

In tears, Sophie and Salima who have been staying at the prison for two weeks  begged the investigating judge not to leave them in prison, because they absolutely want to experience the Africa Cup of Nations hospitality.

Handing down the sentence, the judge sentenced them to one month in prison, with a fine of 50,000 FCFA each. “Before travelling,  you must prepare yourself_ especially as you are leaving your country


The post Two Cameroonian football fans to watch AFCON in Abidjan prison appeared first on Sports Village Square.

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